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Monday, May 2, 2011

Slow Food Event

 Slow Food Hudson Valley and Aroma Thyme Bistro present Whole Earth – Local Earth an educational event on Slow Food and green restaurant principles.  A spring tapas dinner using local ingredients will be prepared and presented by Chef Marcus 
of Aroma Thyme Bistro in Ellenville who will also share his mission with a cooking demonstration and presentation.

This event is part of the first ever Healthy Ulster County Week with special guest Ulster County Executive Michael P. Hein who will speak about making Ulster County the healthiest county in New York State.

Attendees will find out what Slow Food Hudson Valley is and how one can get involved.  Rich Vergili, Chapter Leader and Nicci Cagan, Chair of Farm to School Committee, will talk about what they are doing in the Hudson and Rondout Valleys to promote Slow Food goals.

The price is $30.00, the date May 4th, the time 6:30.  RSVP to Info@AromaThymeBistro.com

Contact: Francesca Noble
Slow Food Steering Committee Member
Slow Food Hudson Valley
(845) 626-2790

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We would never expect you to eat this shrimp, nor do we serve farmed Asian shrimp

One Awesome Blender