3-Corners Field Farm -
1311 County Route 64
Shushan, NY 12973
Product List:
Cheese products: from a pasture fed flock that is humanely raised and hormone and antibiotic free, a variety of fresh-pasteurized sheep milk cheeses: Shushan Snow (camembert), Brebis Blanche, ricotta; aged raw sheep milk cheeses: Frere Fumant (a Basque-style smoked cheese), Battenkill Brebis (aged tomme), Bulgarian-style feta.
Mixed raw sheep and cow milk, aged cheese: Frere Fumant; feta.
Additional dairy products: Sheep's milk yogurt.
Acorn Hill Farmstead Cheese
65 Red Barn Rd.
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Product List:
Cheese products: Variety of aged raw milk cheeses including washed curd and washed rind cheeses, from the farm's Nubian goats and some local rbgh-free cow milk: Tomme aged in wine must/pomace, cheddar style goat milk cheese, goat milk feta, Italian pasta filata. Whole goat milk ricotta; Purple Moon (semi-soft goat milk cheese soaked in red wine).
Asgaard Farm and Dairy
74 Asgaard Way
P.O. Box 605
Au Sable Forks, NY 12912
Product List:
Pasteurized, fresh chevre – plain plus six flavors, including dill, chive, Adirondack maple syrup, basil and garlic, cracked pepper and olive oil and garlic, cilantro and hot pepper. All herb flavorings are grown on the farm.
Pasteurized, soft, ripened cheeses in the tradition of France’s Loire Valley.
Aged, raw-milk feta cheese.
Aged, raw-milk tomme inspired by farmhouse cheeses made in the French Pyrenees.
Brovetto Dairy and Cheese House -
1677 Co 29
Jefferson, NY 12093
Product List:
Harpersfield Cheese: aged, semi-hard washed rind Tilsit style cheese, aged in a ‘cave’. Flavored cheeses as well as plain.
Byebrook Farm
7531 County Hwy.18
Bloomville, NY 13739
Product List:
Raw milk Gouda cheese: plain; with cumin seed; washed rind with hard cider. Aged a minimum of 60 days.
Catapano Dairy
33705 North Road
Peconic, NY 11958
Product List:
Farmstead Cheeses:
Farm Fresh Chevre - a delicate, soft creamy cheese
Herbed Cherve Roll - Chevre rolled in herbs (several varieties)
Feta Alfresco - a delicious semi-soft cheese (brick or cubes in brine)
North Fork Rustic - a firm, gently aged cheese
Summer Cloud - a delightful "pillow" of white mole-ripened cheese
Peconic Mist - a blue mold-ripened cheese (available August 1st)
Goat Milk Yogurt - plain or fruit
Goat Milk Fudge - plain or walnut
Clover Mead Farm
938 Mace Chasm Road
Keeseville, NY 12944
Product List:
Variety of Certified Organic, farmstead cheeses from the milk of grass-fed Jersey cows, including farmstead cheddar, gouda, smoked gouda, feta and High Peaks Herdmaster.
Coach Farm
105 Mill Hill Road
Pine Plains, NY 12567
Product List:
Pasteurized fresh cheeses (regular and reduced fat), Pasteurized aged cheese, aged Green Peppercorn Cheese, Triple Cream.
Additional products: Yo-Goat; milk
Cooperstown Cheese Company
107 Oxbow Road at Route 28
Milford, NY 13807
Product List:
a northern Italian alpine style cheese of our own design called Toma Celena; a rich bloomy rind cheese called Toma con Brio; a raw milk cheese from 100% grass fed Jersey cows called Jersey Girl; and fresh products such as curds, ricotta and farmer's cheese.
County Meadows
6384 County Road 27
Canton, NY 13617
Product List:
Farmstead cheese:
Cheese Curd, 8 oz bags, sold only fresh
Herb flavored cheeses sold in 8 oz containers : plain, chive, dill, italian herbs
Feta, basket molded and dry salted (not brined), random weights
Farmstead cheese (cheddar) approximately 1-lb rounds, black waxed
Cowlick Farm
Box 236
Lodi, NY 14860
Product List:
Cheese products: a variety of aged cheeses: gouda with chives, herbes de Provence, chiles, onion & garlic, cheddar with wasabe, Italian herbs. Also, brick, colby, camembert, blue cheese and feta.
Additional dairy product: gelato made from jersey milk.
Dancing Lamb Farm and Icelandic Sheep Dairy
212 Harold C. Meyer Rd.
Earlton, NY 12058
Product List:
Cheese products: Catskill Mountain Tomme, a raw milk cheese with a natural rind made from our own grass-fed sheep's milk. An age feta and a blue cheese are in development.
Finger Lakes Dexter Creamery
1853 Black Rock Road
King Ferry, NY 13801
Product List:
Cheese product: An artisanal farmstead raw milk cheese, Kefir Cheese, made with a mother culture of authentic kefir grains and rich milk from grass-fed Irish Dexter house cows, and aged for 60 days or more.
Finger Lakes Farmstead Cheese Co.
5491 Bergen Rd.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Product List:
“Schuyler,” an aged farmstead Gouda in the traditional style. Nutty and rich, smooth.
“Red Meck,” produced like Gouda but aged with a red bacterial rind in the manner of Muenster. Cheese has a citrusy overtone, very smooth texture and pleasantly sneaky, lingering finish.
Hawthorne Valley Farm
327 Route 21C
Ghent, NY 12075
Product List:
Hawthorne Valley Farm produces and sells a variety fermented milk products. All products are certified organic. The milk used comes primarily from our own certified Biodynamic® cows. However, we do buy some organic milk from Evan's Farm in Norwich NY periodically.
Our european-style Yogurt is the most widely available product. Flavors include plain and maple-vanilla.
Raw milk (available only at the farm).
Quark, which is a fresh spreadable cheese (very common in German speaking countries). It is something of a sister cheese to Fromage Blanc.
Bianca, which is a fresh whole milk cheese wrapped as a 6oz round. It is mild, creamy and on the salty side.
A variety of hard and semi-hard, raw milk, cheeses which are hand made out of our copper cheese vat. They include: Cheddar, Alpine, Edamer and an occasional Havarti.
Fresh Ricotta cheese.
Homestead Artisans
177 Cty Rte 43
Fort Edward, NY 12828
Product List:
Fresh Pasteurized Cow’s Milk Cheeses include Fromage Blanc (mild creamy taste, good for dips and spreads), Quark (tangy, rich sour cream taste, free of salt and made from skimmed milk, excellent in cooking replacing sour cream anywhere), and Fresh Feta (creamy, silky cubes of cheese flavored with a light brine)
Aged Raw Cows’ Milk Cheeses include Saratoga Sunflower (complex taste starts with cheddar flavor and finishes with Swiss), Casino Jack (taste similar to Monterey Jack but sharper and with more character) , Aged Feta (robust, salty, crumbly cheese) and High Rock Blue (smooth, creamy blue cheese)
Sheeps’ Milk Cheeses include Sheeps’ Milk Quark and Roquefort-style Blue Cheese
Goats’ milk Cheeses include Fresh Chevre and Fresh Goats’ Milk Feta
Keeley’s Cheese Company at McGarr Farms
Route 34B
King Ferry, NY 13081
Product List:
Cheeses are based on washed-rind recipes developed with Irish farmstead cheese makers and aged in an underground cellar. Pondhopper – a raw milk, washed rind cheese; Brida – a pasteurized semi-soft washed rind cheese.
Kipp Hill Farm
199 Shenendoah Dr.
Sloansville, NY 12160
Product List:
Cheese products: Variety of chevre type cheeses, including plain , garlic scape, apple cranberry walnut, maple strawberry, all made from pasteurized goat milk.
Kortright Creek Creamery
1211 Kelso Rd.
East Meredith, NY 13757
Product List:
Dairy products: raw and pasteurized grass-fed and certified organic goat milk and goat milk yogurt. Organic yogurt sold in 6 oz. cups in plain, raspberry and maple at the farm's store and select retailers and co-ops in NY and MA.
Also available: Grass-fed and organic lamb, goat, beef, pork, poultry, rabbit, and eggs.
Krugerrand Farms
776 County Highway 24
Richfield, NY 13439
Product List:
Variety of aged raw milk cheeses including natural rind cheeses, from farm’s Alpine and Saanen goats, and some purchased all natural cow milk. Gouda and cheddar type cheeses using both goat only and mixed goat and cow milk.
Lynnhaven Nubians
414 Church Rd.
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Product List:
Cheese products: pasteurized fresh soft cheeses: chevre (9 varieties) including chevre layered with pesto and roasted red peppers, chevre with orange honey and toasted walnuts, chevre rolled in cinnamon and cranberries. Chevre Balls Marinated in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Herbs and Sun Dried Tomatoes, Feta, Ricotta, Extravaganza's Fantasy (a fresh heart shaped chevre with edible flowers).
Pasteurized Aged: Paradise's Passion (small buttons of white mold ripened aged cheese); Gypsy's Midnight (pyramids of white mold ripened aged chevre with a line of ash through the middle); Caerphilly; Gouda.
Additional dairy products: yogurt, goat milk soap seasonally.
Mecox Bay Dairy
855 Mecox Road
PO Box 411
Bridgehampton, NY 11932
Product List:
Shawondasee – a mold ripened tomme aged 3-5 months – has a mild “nutty/fruity” flavor – 8 inch diameter wheels, 4 inches thick, weighing approx. 7.5 lbs.
Mecox Sunrise – a washed rind tomme aged 2-4 months – 7 inch diameter wheels, 2.5 inches thick, weighing approx. 3 lbs.
Atlantic Mist – a soft ripened white rind cheese – 4 inch diameter discs, about 2 inches thick
An aged cheese from raw cows’ milk
Gruyere-style Sigit, and cheddar
Nettle Meadow Farm
484 S. Johnsburg Rd.
Warrensburg, NY 12885
Product List:
Cheese products include semi-aged cheeses - Kunik (triple creme with goat's milk and Jersey cow cream) and Crane Mountain 100% goat's milk semi-aged block; a variety of soft goat cheeses including plain chevre, garlic & olive oil chevre, horseradish chevre, herbs, pepper and garlic, tellicherry pepper with lemon verbena, and mixed herbs. Also, fromage blanc, including plain, Rosemary infusion , and Honey Lavender.
Northland Sheep Dairy
3501 Hoxie Gorge Road
Marathon, NY 13803
Product List:
Tomme Bergere: creamy textured, rustic mountain cheese
Folie Bergere: nutty, washed curd cheese
Bergere bleue: creamy Roquefort-style blue
Old Chatham Sheepherding Company
155 Shaker-Museum Road
Old Chatham, NY 12136
Product List:
Pure, pasteurized sheep’s milk cheeses including Shepherd’s Wheel, Mutton Button, Ewe’s Blue, and feta. Camembert and ricotta cheeses are a blend of sheep and cow’s milk. Sheep’s milk yogurt products also available.
Painted Goat Farm
371 Mittedorf Rd.
Garrattsville, NY 13342
Product List:
Fresh: Tangy, light, and rich Creamy Chevres, and dense, smooth, fine-textured Fresh Chevre Logs, herbed or au naturel.
Aged: Pasteurized and raw-milk Feta; cave-aged, French-style, soft-ripened cheeses, such as our ash-coated "Cinderella" logs; and raw-milk, semi-hard, washed rind cheeses
Pampered Cow Creamery at Twin Maple Farm
416 Schnackenberg Rd.
Ghent, NY 12075
Product List:
Variety of aged, raw milk cheeses made with milk from our neighbor’s grass-fed Jersey cows. Aged, raw milk goat cheese and pasteurized goat cheeses made with milk from local goat dairies.
Rainbeau Ridge
49 David's Way
Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Product List:
Cheese products: Chevre — fresh, pasteurized cheeses; plain, ash-coated and bloomy rind varieties.
Raindance Farm
2454 County Hwy. 35
Schenevus, NY 12255
Product List:
Our “Sun Cheese” is an organic asiago made with quality award winning raw organic cow milk.
Made seasonally only during the grazing season and aged 4-18 months.
Sherman Hill Farmstead
9626 County Highway 21
Franklin, NY 13775
Product List:
Pasteurized goat’s milk cheese including chevre, feta, Caerphilly, semi-soft basket cheese and aged cheese
Side Hill Acres
79 Spencer Rd.
Candor, NY 13743
Product List:
Cheese products: Grass-fed, hormone-free fresh cheese and aged cheese: plain and with assorted herbs; feta logs, crumbled feta.
Additional dairy products: Yogurt. Fudge. Goat milk soaps, hand creams, face creams.
Sprout Creek Farm
34 Lauer Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Product List:
Aged mold-ripened cheeses from raw cows’ milk, including buttery Ouray, piquant Toussaint, and nutty Barat.
Fresh and aged goats’ milk cheeses made seasonally from a herd of 30 goats. Fresh, firm ricotta.
Sunset View Creamery
4970 County Road 14
Odessa, NY 14869
Product List:
A variety of plain and flavored Jack cheeses, mild and sharp cheddar, and a variety of plain and flavored cheddar curds.
Sweet Spring Farm
240 Saunders Rd.
Argyle, NY 12809
Product List:
Cheese products: Fresh chevre in several flavors, and White Lily, a ripened white-rind cheese, all made from our own farmstead Nubian goat's milk. Carriage House, a raw milk, 6-month aged cheese available seasonally.
Tonjes Farm Dairy
188 Tonjes Road
Callicoon, NY 12723
Product List:
3 farmstead aged raw cow’s milk, grass-fed cheeses: Caerphilly, Rambler: semi-firm heavy pressed Gloucester style cheese, Cow Hill is a light pressed hand-salted semi-firm tome. Fresh pasteurized yogurts, cultured buttermilk, fromage blanc, whole milk ricotta and mozzarella.
Wake Robin Farm
125 Brutus Rd.
Jordan, NY 13080
Product List:
Cream on top milk, yogurt, and handmade cheeses. All products are made start to finish on our farm.
for more info on NY Farm Cheese visit here.
1311 County Route 64
Shushan, NY 12973
Product List:
Cheese products: from a pasture fed flock that is humanely raised and hormone and antibiotic free, a variety of fresh-pasteurized sheep milk cheeses: Shushan Snow (camembert), Brebis Blanche, ricotta; aged raw sheep milk cheeses: Frere Fumant (a Basque-style smoked cheese), Battenkill Brebis (aged tomme), Bulgarian-style feta.
Mixed raw sheep and cow milk, aged cheese: Frere Fumant; feta.
Additional dairy products: Sheep's milk yogurt.
Acorn Hill Farmstead Cheese
65 Red Barn Rd.
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Product List:
Cheese products: Variety of aged raw milk cheeses including washed curd and washed rind cheeses, from the farm's Nubian goats and some local rbgh-free cow milk: Tomme aged in wine must/pomace, cheddar style goat milk cheese, goat milk feta, Italian pasta filata. Whole goat milk ricotta; Purple Moon (semi-soft goat milk cheese soaked in red wine).
Asgaard Farm and Dairy
74 Asgaard Way
P.O. Box 605
Au Sable Forks, NY 12912
Product List:
Pasteurized, fresh chevre – plain plus six flavors, including dill, chive, Adirondack maple syrup, basil and garlic, cracked pepper and olive oil and garlic, cilantro and hot pepper. All herb flavorings are grown on the farm.
Pasteurized, soft, ripened cheeses in the tradition of France’s Loire Valley.
Aged, raw-milk feta cheese.
Aged, raw-milk tomme inspired by farmhouse cheeses made in the French Pyrenees.
Brovetto Dairy and Cheese House -
1677 Co 29
Jefferson, NY 12093
Product List:
Harpersfield Cheese: aged, semi-hard washed rind Tilsit style cheese, aged in a ‘cave’. Flavored cheeses as well as plain.
Byebrook Farm
7531 County Hwy.18
Bloomville, NY 13739
Product List:
Raw milk Gouda cheese: plain; with cumin seed; washed rind with hard cider. Aged a minimum of 60 days.
Catapano Dairy
33705 North Road
Peconic, NY 11958
Product List:
Farmstead Cheeses:
Farm Fresh Chevre - a delicate, soft creamy cheese
Herbed Cherve Roll - Chevre rolled in herbs (several varieties)
Feta Alfresco - a delicious semi-soft cheese (brick or cubes in brine)
North Fork Rustic - a firm, gently aged cheese
Summer Cloud - a delightful "pillow" of white mole-ripened cheese
Peconic Mist - a blue mold-ripened cheese (available August 1st)
Goat Milk Yogurt - plain or fruit
Goat Milk Fudge - plain or walnut
Clover Mead Farm
938 Mace Chasm Road
Keeseville, NY 12944
Product List:
Variety of Certified Organic, farmstead cheeses from the milk of grass-fed Jersey cows, including farmstead cheddar, gouda, smoked gouda, feta and High Peaks Herdmaster.
Coach Farm
105 Mill Hill Road
Pine Plains, NY 12567
Product List:
Pasteurized fresh cheeses (regular and reduced fat), Pasteurized aged cheese, aged Green Peppercorn Cheese, Triple Cream.
Additional products: Yo-Goat; milk
Cooperstown Cheese Company
107 Oxbow Road at Route 28
Milford, NY 13807
Product List:
a northern Italian alpine style cheese of our own design called Toma Celena; a rich bloomy rind cheese called Toma con Brio; a raw milk cheese from 100% grass fed Jersey cows called Jersey Girl; and fresh products such as curds, ricotta and farmer's cheese.
County Meadows
6384 County Road 27
Canton, NY 13617
Product List:
Farmstead cheese:
Cheese Curd, 8 oz bags, sold only fresh
Herb flavored cheeses sold in 8 oz containers : plain, chive, dill, italian herbs
Feta, basket molded and dry salted (not brined), random weights
Farmstead cheese (cheddar) approximately 1-lb rounds, black waxed
Cowlick Farm
Box 236
Lodi, NY 14860
Product List:
Cheese products: a variety of aged cheeses: gouda with chives, herbes de Provence, chiles, onion & garlic, cheddar with wasabe, Italian herbs. Also, brick, colby, camembert, blue cheese and feta.
Additional dairy product: gelato made from jersey milk.
Dancing Lamb Farm and Icelandic Sheep Dairy
212 Harold C. Meyer Rd.
Earlton, NY 12058
Product List:
Cheese products: Catskill Mountain Tomme, a raw milk cheese with a natural rind made from our own grass-fed sheep's milk. An age feta and a blue cheese are in development.
Finger Lakes Dexter Creamery
1853 Black Rock Road
King Ferry, NY 13801
Product List:
Cheese product: An artisanal farmstead raw milk cheese, Kefir Cheese, made with a mother culture of authentic kefir grains and rich milk from grass-fed Irish Dexter house cows, and aged for 60 days or more.
Finger Lakes Farmstead Cheese Co.
5491 Bergen Rd.
Trumansburg, NY 14886
Product List:
“Schuyler,” an aged farmstead Gouda in the traditional style. Nutty and rich, smooth.
“Red Meck,” produced like Gouda but aged with a red bacterial rind in the manner of Muenster. Cheese has a citrusy overtone, very smooth texture and pleasantly sneaky, lingering finish.
Hawthorne Valley Farm
327 Route 21C
Ghent, NY 12075
Product List:
Hawthorne Valley Farm produces and sells a variety fermented milk products. All products are certified organic. The milk used comes primarily from our own certified Biodynamic® cows. However, we do buy some organic milk from Evan's Farm in Norwich NY periodically.
Our european-style Yogurt is the most widely available product. Flavors include plain and maple-vanilla.
Raw milk (available only at the farm).
Quark, which is a fresh spreadable cheese (very common in German speaking countries). It is something of a sister cheese to Fromage Blanc.
Bianca, which is a fresh whole milk cheese wrapped as a 6oz round. It is mild, creamy and on the salty side.
A variety of hard and semi-hard, raw milk, cheeses which are hand made out of our copper cheese vat. They include: Cheddar, Alpine, Edamer and an occasional Havarti.
Fresh Ricotta cheese.
Homestead Artisans
177 Cty Rte 43
Fort Edward, NY 12828
Product List:
Fresh Pasteurized Cow’s Milk Cheeses include Fromage Blanc (mild creamy taste, good for dips and spreads), Quark (tangy, rich sour cream taste, free of salt and made from skimmed milk, excellent in cooking replacing sour cream anywhere), and Fresh Feta (creamy, silky cubes of cheese flavored with a light brine)
Aged Raw Cows’ Milk Cheeses include Saratoga Sunflower (complex taste starts with cheddar flavor and finishes with Swiss), Casino Jack (taste similar to Monterey Jack but sharper and with more character) , Aged Feta (robust, salty, crumbly cheese) and High Rock Blue (smooth, creamy blue cheese)
Sheeps’ Milk Cheeses include Sheeps’ Milk Quark and Roquefort-style Blue Cheese
Goats’ milk Cheeses include Fresh Chevre and Fresh Goats’ Milk Feta
Keeley’s Cheese Company at McGarr Farms
Route 34B
King Ferry, NY 13081
Product List:
Cheeses are based on washed-rind recipes developed with Irish farmstead cheese makers and aged in an underground cellar. Pondhopper – a raw milk, washed rind cheese; Brida – a pasteurized semi-soft washed rind cheese.
Kipp Hill Farm
199 Shenendoah Dr.
Sloansville, NY 12160
Product List:
Cheese products: Variety of chevre type cheeses, including plain , garlic scape, apple cranberry walnut, maple strawberry, all made from pasteurized goat milk.
Kortright Creek Creamery
1211 Kelso Rd.
East Meredith, NY 13757
Product List:
Dairy products: raw and pasteurized grass-fed and certified organic goat milk and goat milk yogurt. Organic yogurt sold in 6 oz. cups in plain, raspberry and maple at the farm's store and select retailers and co-ops in NY and MA.
Also available: Grass-fed and organic lamb, goat, beef, pork, poultry, rabbit, and eggs.
Krugerrand Farms
776 County Highway 24
Richfield, NY 13439
Product List:
Variety of aged raw milk cheeses including natural rind cheeses, from farm’s Alpine and Saanen goats, and some purchased all natural cow milk. Gouda and cheddar type cheeses using both goat only and mixed goat and cow milk.
Lynnhaven Nubians
414 Church Rd.
Pine Bush, NY 12566
Product List:
Cheese products: pasteurized fresh soft cheeses: chevre (9 varieties) including chevre layered with pesto and roasted red peppers, chevre with orange honey and toasted walnuts, chevre rolled in cinnamon and cranberries. Chevre Balls Marinated in Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Garlic, Herbs and Sun Dried Tomatoes, Feta, Ricotta, Extravaganza's Fantasy (a fresh heart shaped chevre with edible flowers).
Pasteurized Aged: Paradise's Passion (small buttons of white mold ripened aged cheese); Gypsy's Midnight (pyramids of white mold ripened aged chevre with a line of ash through the middle); Caerphilly; Gouda.
Additional dairy products: yogurt, goat milk soap seasonally.
Mecox Bay Dairy
855 Mecox Road
PO Box 411
Bridgehampton, NY 11932
Product List:
Shawondasee – a mold ripened tomme aged 3-5 months – has a mild “nutty/fruity” flavor – 8 inch diameter wheels, 4 inches thick, weighing approx. 7.5 lbs.
Mecox Sunrise – a washed rind tomme aged 2-4 months – 7 inch diameter wheels, 2.5 inches thick, weighing approx. 3 lbs.
Atlantic Mist – a soft ripened white rind cheese – 4 inch diameter discs, about 2 inches thick
An aged cheese from raw cows’ milk
Gruyere-style Sigit, and cheddar
Nettle Meadow Farm
484 S. Johnsburg Rd.
Warrensburg, NY 12885
Product List:
Cheese products include semi-aged cheeses - Kunik (triple creme with goat's milk and Jersey cow cream) and Crane Mountain 100% goat's milk semi-aged block; a variety of soft goat cheeses including plain chevre, garlic & olive oil chevre, horseradish chevre, herbs, pepper and garlic, tellicherry pepper with lemon verbena, and mixed herbs. Also, fromage blanc, including plain, Rosemary infusion , and Honey Lavender.
Northland Sheep Dairy
3501 Hoxie Gorge Road
Marathon, NY 13803
Product List:
Tomme Bergere: creamy textured, rustic mountain cheese
Folie Bergere: nutty, washed curd cheese
Bergere bleue: creamy Roquefort-style blue
Old Chatham Sheepherding Company
155 Shaker-Museum Road
Old Chatham, NY 12136
Product List:
Pure, pasteurized sheep’s milk cheeses including Shepherd’s Wheel, Mutton Button, Ewe’s Blue, and feta. Camembert and ricotta cheeses are a blend of sheep and cow’s milk. Sheep’s milk yogurt products also available.
Painted Goat Farm
371 Mittedorf Rd.
Garrattsville, NY 13342
Product List:
Fresh: Tangy, light, and rich Creamy Chevres, and dense, smooth, fine-textured Fresh Chevre Logs, herbed or au naturel.
Aged: Pasteurized and raw-milk Feta; cave-aged, French-style, soft-ripened cheeses, such as our ash-coated "Cinderella" logs; and raw-milk, semi-hard, washed rind cheeses
Pampered Cow Creamery at Twin Maple Farm
416 Schnackenberg Rd.
Ghent, NY 12075
Product List:
Variety of aged, raw milk cheeses made with milk from our neighbor’s grass-fed Jersey cows. Aged, raw milk goat cheese and pasteurized goat cheeses made with milk from local goat dairies.
Rainbeau Ridge
49 David's Way
Bedford Hills, NY 10507
Product List:
Cheese products: Chevre — fresh, pasteurized cheeses; plain, ash-coated and bloomy rind varieties.
Raindance Farm
2454 County Hwy. 35
Schenevus, NY 12255
Product List:
Our “Sun Cheese” is an organic asiago made with quality award winning raw organic cow milk.
Made seasonally only during the grazing season and aged 4-18 months.
Sherman Hill Farmstead
9626 County Highway 21
Franklin, NY 13775
Product List:
Pasteurized goat’s milk cheese including chevre, feta, Caerphilly, semi-soft basket cheese and aged cheese
Side Hill Acres
79 Spencer Rd.
Candor, NY 13743
Product List:
Cheese products: Grass-fed, hormone-free fresh cheese and aged cheese: plain and with assorted herbs; feta logs, crumbled feta.
Additional dairy products: Yogurt. Fudge. Goat milk soaps, hand creams, face creams.
Sprout Creek Farm
34 Lauer Road
Poughkeepsie, NY 12603
Product List:
Aged mold-ripened cheeses from raw cows’ milk, including buttery Ouray, piquant Toussaint, and nutty Barat.
Fresh and aged goats’ milk cheeses made seasonally from a herd of 30 goats. Fresh, firm ricotta.
Sunset View Creamery
4970 County Road 14
Odessa, NY 14869
Product List:
A variety of plain and flavored Jack cheeses, mild and sharp cheddar, and a variety of plain and flavored cheddar curds.
Sweet Spring Farm
240 Saunders Rd.
Argyle, NY 12809
Product List:
Cheese products: Fresh chevre in several flavors, and White Lily, a ripened white-rind cheese, all made from our own farmstead Nubian goat's milk. Carriage House, a raw milk, 6-month aged cheese available seasonally.
Tonjes Farm Dairy
188 Tonjes Road
Callicoon, NY 12723
Product List:
3 farmstead aged raw cow’s milk, grass-fed cheeses: Caerphilly, Rambler: semi-firm heavy pressed Gloucester style cheese, Cow Hill is a light pressed hand-salted semi-firm tome. Fresh pasteurized yogurts, cultured buttermilk, fromage blanc, whole milk ricotta and mozzarella.
Wake Robin Farm
125 Brutus Rd.
Jordan, NY 13080
Product List:
Cream on top milk, yogurt, and handmade cheeses. All products are made start to finish on our farm.
for more info on NY Farm Cheese visit here.
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