Did you know that our seafood is tested for contaminates at Aroma Thyme Bistro? We use an eco friendly seafood company that test our seafood for safety. They are the only company that can make these claims.
Eco-Fish has been our regular supplier at Aroma Thyme since we opened. Eco-Fish only sells fish that meets high criteria. All of there seafood has to be approved by a strict advisory board. They look at the population of the species, the catch method and the area where it caught. So this eliminates the majority of the seafood that most vendors sell.
On top of their strict earth friendly practices, they test and post the results of seafood. So if you have eaten our Mahi-Mahi, Tuna, Pollack, or Keta Salmon you have consumed the safest seafood available.
Eco-Fish’s Mission is as Follows:
*To provide consumers with a credible means of better determining which seafood is safe and healthy to consume, and how often
*To provide the seafood industry, including restaurants and retailers, with a credible testing, labeling and educational program for contaminants in seafood, and
*To educate consumers, draw increased attention to the important issue of industrial pollution, how it directly impacts the food chain, and help motivate the public to demand a cleaner environment.
So why aren’t more companies doing this? It is as simple as money, it cost over $1600 per test. And why aren’t more restaurants buying this way? It’s just a matter of educating more chefs and consumers. The bottom-line is that eco-friendly seafood is safe & high quality, but it cost more. Let’s get the word out there.
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